Team Managers and Coaches have their own Portal that they can login to which provides a large number of functions tailored for Managers and Coaches.

The portaasdas al has been optimised for both Laptops and Mobile phone use - the system will detect which you are using and provide the approproiate interface for you.
You can see on the left hand side the login page for Managers and Coaches when using their mobile phone.
Once the Manager or Coach has logged in they will have access to functions such as being able to see Contact Details and Photos for all the play

ers in their teams as well as being able to update these items, IF the club has enabled these functions.
Clubs are able to enable or disable various functions if they don't want Team Managers to be able to use them.
One of the functions that is used a lot is the ability for Managers and Coaches to ask their players availability for upcoming games. With just a few mouse clicks, emails can be sent to all players which contain 1 click links to say "Yes I Can Play" or "No I Can't Play". The coaches can then see at a glance who is and isn't available for the game.